Slimm Thicc Method Creator

Meet Mariah

Photograph by Khalif Bari

For as long as I can remember I’ve loved moving. I enjoy almost anything where I can move my body. As a kid, my parents tried to get me into sports, but I preferred dance class over kicking a ball around a field. For about 15 years I was enrolled in dance classes, workshops, competitions, and completely fell in love with this artform and exercise. Dance literally shaped me, physically and emotionally. A lot of people who know me now wouldn’t assume that I grew up an extremely shy and quiet little girl. Dance has played a huge role in building my confidence level to what it is now.

In 2018 I moved from Massachusetts to Los Angeles to pursue my love for dance and along the way discovered that I had a passion for lifting. I had been lifting and working out strictly since I was 19, but only began to seriously go after it upon moving to California. I realized that being strong would help me with dance, my well-being, and especially my confidence. I felt liberated by this, and wanted to give this knowledge to others so they could gain confidence like I had.

  • With a newfound direction, I went and got my NASM certification in 2019 to become a personal trainer.
  • My main desire being to help people gain the strength and confidence I had found through transforming their bodies, and testing their own perceived limitations.
  • I initially started working at Gold’s Gym which humbled me, and helped me gain some great experience with clients and other professionals in the industry.

When the pandemic hit in 2020, I was furloughed from my job and forced to find my own way, which pushed me to begin training all on my own. I started off by doing zoom sessions with all of my clients, taking them through their individual sessions via zoom calls on a weekly basis. Once the quarantine orders lifted, I started training clients out in the park or at their home gyms as well. After about a year of that I decided to bring my training skills to the next level and completed the Show Up Fitness internship in the summer of 2021. This is where I developed hands-on style training methods and was able to really cultivate my process through experiential learning. Following the internship, I began working at Show Up as a trainer, as well as still taking on my own clients in the space.

What is Slimm Thicc Method?

The name Slimm Thicc came from an idea from a friend and workout partner during the pandemic. Slimm Thicc is a body type that is popularly pursued by many women, but I see it as more than just a body type to be achieved, but also as a mindset that I hope my clients can pick up as well from training with me. The idea is the balance of being confident yet humble. I feel like many people, and often women specifically, struggle with recognizing their power and greatness, allowing others to walk all over them. I say this from direct experience with myself. But building muscle and holding my own at the gym has given me more confidence to get out of that old mindset and take charge of my life. I want that for everyone, especially all the ladies who grew up as shy little girls, and didn’t want to take up too much space or get in anyone’s way. Through strength training, I want to encourage my clients to get out of their own way, take up the space they deserve, and shape them into their own, individual, confident, Slimm Thicc baddie.

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